I’m a Buddhist meditator, a Taoist philosopher, a Pagan priestess and a Sufi nobody, more interested in what we all have in common that in what divides us……spiritual but not religious. Politically I’m left wing but have problems with political parties and hierarchies in general. I’ve been involved  in anti- war and anti-capitalist protests, from Greenham Common to the Occupy movement.

I’ve written a few books over the years. My latest is  ‘Deep Equality – living in the flow of natural rhythm’. O-books. 2008. It’s about making links between political and social principles of equality and the balancing, equalising rhythms of nature, of which we are a part, not separate. It explores how we can dissolve our inner as well as outer hierarchies and live more freely. I have developed this into a spiritual path using practices such as equalising breathing, balancing rituals and attunement to inner and outer rhythms of change. I teach this path in an ongoing group at the Serpent Institute. http://www.serpentinstitute.com

I also work as a psychotherapist and paint pictures when I feel inspired, and as my own therapy.

I’m looking for like minded free spirits to connect with. I will be posting a blog at least once a month.